The major betrayal in all the games' history - by Paulo Lima

The major betrayal in the games' history

   In the history of the games, there has been a lot of betrayals happening, like when you don't want to win and try to ruin the game consciently just for fun and/or to make your teammates angry. But one of them got a spotlight: a player who caused the death of 36 players in a raid of a game called World of Warcraft 3, which is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game).

    But first of all, let me introduce you in this genre:

  • Objetives:
        The objetives of this kind of game is to level up and get better equipment by defeating monsters and completing missions or quests if you prefer to call this way;

  • Raids and Dungeons:
       Besides the missions, there are Dungeons and Raids, that can be accessed by portals around the game's map or the Dungeon Finder in the menu of the game. They were made to be played in group with other players and in a particular dimension from the rest of the game, with the objective is to defeat all the monsters and bosses on the way. The only manner to finish it is defeating all the bosses.
       The enemies here are stronger than the regular ones, so you need other players to kill all of them, but will gain a better reward too.
    The difference between Dungeons and Raids is that the first one are shortest and simple, but your group can't be bigger than five players.The Raids are like "Super Dungeons", they are longer and the attention and cooperative needed is higher, lasting 1 or 2 hours to be concluded, while the Dungeons only last approximately 20 minutes.

  • Classes of characters:
    Tank: The only role the tank needs to help is absorbing the majority of damage.
    Healer: Just the Healer can heal other players, being essential to maintain other players alive, like the tank, who's taking most part of the monster's and bosses' damage.
    DPS or damage character: As a DPS, your only work is giving the most damage as he can, being fragile, so he will avoid take damage from the enemies and will just focus on giving it on them, while the Tank distracts.

  • World of Warcraft Classic and Hardcore: The World of Warcraft Classic, popularly called by WOW Classic is the game without any extensions, when the Raids lasted 3 hours and had a maximum of 40 players on each Raid. The Hardcore one, is the same thing as the classic, but if you die, you lose all of your items.

  • The guilds: The guilds are just a bunch of players that has the same objetive aswell. 

    With the basic things of this genre explained, let's talk about this specific case:

    A guild called HC had a plan to complete the game on WOW Classic Hardcore. They had to defeat a lot of dungeons and raids to get good equipment, lasting more than a year on each character. When they arrived in the last room of the game, the most dificult one, thanks to the number of bosses on the same area and their own powers and magics.

    This guild leveled up and got the better equipment on the previous Raids and Dungeons for a year to arrive in that moment, so nobody wanted to prevent mistakes, which could bring on a lot of deaths, making they lose everything. They set a complex strategy, where each class had his own rotation, to avoid the marks given by the villains, that cause extra damage.

    While everyone was focused and wanted to complete all the game, a player, TinyViolin, wanted to hinder. Being one the tanks, he could atract Sir Zeliek (one of the bosses), combining the bosses' abilities below, he could make 36 people die, in just one Thane Korth'Azz's meteor. Four people could flee succesfuly using items on the game, but they got frustated too, obviously.
    Imagine lose a year on a single character to miss everything you had been conquested to a random player that always wanted to block your group ending the game.

    Inspiration to tell this history

    P.S: Hope you enjoyed to waste time with me :)
