The Science behind music - by Larissa Resende

 It's known by everybody how our lives are directly related to music. Wherever you go or whatever you do, you will probably stay in contact with this expression of art. Since that, there must be an explanation for this multicultural practice, and science is able to do it in a magical way.

 According to some researches, music can estimulate the brain's development to emotional health. Music is capable of generating a feeling of well-being, reducing stress, helping with interpersonal relations and even more. Many good effects, don't you agree?

 Different types of music awaken different emotions and evoke memories, provoking multiple responses in the human body. This way, we can relate our way of being to our music taste. You are music!๐Ÿ’›

So, when talking about what you listen to, you are talking, indirectly, about who you are. Beautiful, isn't it?

Music can translate your soul!!!
