Umbanda and its concepts - by Vitor

Umbanda is a Brazilian religion of African origin that mixes syncretic elements anda has its roots in the cabula centers,wich emerged between the 17th and 19th centuries. Formally organized by  Zélio Fernandino de Morais, Umbanda syncretizes African rituals , Catholicism and Kardecist spituralism. Its principles are based on the belief in a single god , in the orixás and spiritual entities, in addition to the practice of values such as charity and non-discrimination.

The rituals take place in places called Casa or Tenda , where the orixás , ancestors and spiritual entities are evoked. Among the entities woeshiped are orichas such as Oxalá, guides and protectors , representing a spiritual hierarchy. Symbols , such as crossed out dots , are used , and ceremonies include tours with different purposes  , smoking , pass , ébo and obligation . The Umbanda anthem originally titled  "Refletiu a Luz Divina" recognized in 1961.

There are people in Umbanda who have more faith in certain entities than others and some people have their own traditions.
